1 oktober 2013

(Texture Tuesday) Vindruvor och pumpor

Nu skördar jag vindruvor och njuter av de söta druvorna! Pumporna, däremot, har inte blivit så stora som jag hade hoppats. Det var nog för torrt i början av sommaren och jag borde ha vattnat. Men de är vackra att titta på...

I'm harvesting and enjoying the taste of sweet grapes! The Pumpkins, on the other hand, are not as large as I would have expected. I think summer was too dry to begin with, and I really should have watered them. But anyhow, they are nice to look at...

Texture Tuesday hittar du här.

You'll find Texture Tuesday here.


3 kommentarer :

Cindy Madden sa...

I have enjoyed looking at this masterpiece. (Here from Texture Tuesday.) And you know what I also liked on your blog? The monthly pictures of the woods and little water on the left side. Fun to see the changes.

ulla laiho sa...

Det är så fint - som gammeldags stillebentavlor.

Donna sa...

Our grapes have not produced yet. I hope they will in year 3. I am trying pumpkins again next year.