19 december 2014

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas!

Titta! lyssna! så kanske du ser
den lilla tomten som skyndar förbi.
Tänder upp ljusen, fixar och donar
önskar er alla: En God Jul!

Look! listen! and you might see
the little old Brownie hurrying on.
Lighting up candles, preparing the fiest
wishing you all: A Merry Christmas!


4 kommentarer :

Jutta.K. sa...

Auch ich habe Kerzenlicht in meinem Beitrag :-)
Föhliche Weihnachten aus Deutschland
Liebe GRüße

carol daniels sa...

Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas, too!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina sa...

Hi Katerina!
Merry to you, too!
xo, m & jb

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration sa...

'The little ol Brownie' - is that a reference to a Swedish Christmas lore? That would be interesting to read up on.
Merry Christmas!