4 september 2008

La Contessa

Comtesse de Rocquigny är en alldeles ljuvlig, gammaldags bourbonros med underbar doft. Knopparna är vita med röda strimmor och när rosorna slår ut blir de elfenbensvita med laxrosa skiftningar.

Comtesse de Rocquigny is a gorgeous, old-fashioned Bourbon rose with a lovely scent. The rose buds are white with red shadings and the roses are ivory white with apricot shadings.

Rosen togs fram i Frankrike 1974 av Vaurin. Busken är remonterande och den blir drygt en meter hög. Enligt Botanica Rosor finns den troligen inte kvar i handeln. Men det stämmer inte! jag köpte den genom Flora Linnea. Har du möjighet, så köp den! Du kommer inte ångra dig.

It was bred in France in 1874 by Vaurin. It's a repeat flowering shrub which grows to a height of 1.2 meters. According to the book Botanica Roses, this rose is probably extinct. But luckily, that's not true! I've got it! I got it from one of the nurseries here in Sweden and if you come across it - buy it! You wont regret it.


6 kommentarer :

lareine sa...

wow! and if ever it's an endangered specie, you're lucky to haveone... and i'm sure the rose is also lucky with you because you'll take very good care of her :)...

by the way, i'm just wondering how you were able to make the photo big in your yesterday's entry (september 2, "utan ord" with the snail and ferns)?... i've been trying this for some time now but blogger seems to reduce it to their usual "large" size... thanks :)...

Katarina sa...

lareine: I asked Ewa in the garden the same question, and she advised me to save the pictures at Photobucket, and use the URL upload instead. I think Blogger could have one extra large option as well...

Anonym sa...

Brukar inte falla för rosor så lätt, men jag erkänner mig besegrad av denna skönheten!

Karin sa...

Hej Katarina! Den är verkligen helt underbar. Vi tänker antagligen plantera rosor vid växthuset och då skulle en remonterande bourbonros passa bra. Är hon kinkig/ömtålig? Gillar färgen...

Kram Karin

Marie sa...

Fantastisk vakker rose!
Lekker farge!

Takk for kommentar hos meg :)

lareine sa...

thanks for the info :)... i'll try this :)...