9 augusti 2008

Nicking seeds from Canna Lilies

Jag har erkänt förut och jag upprepar det igen: Ibland stjäl jag frön. När jag besökte Kalifornien i höstas kunde jag inte låta bli att stjäla frön från några Kannor som stod planterade i stadens rabatter. Det är en ovana som måste stoppas...

I have admitted it before, and I'll repeat it again: I sometimes nick seeds! When visiting California last autumn, I just ouldn't resist nicking some ripe Canna seeds from the flower beds... It's a bad habit that will have to stop...

Men det är otroligt spännande att så plantor från frön. Man vet aldrig vad man får och ibland blir det roliga överraskningar!

Nevertheless, it's very exciting growing plants from seeds. You never know what you'll get and sometimes you get happy surprises!

De första två Kannorna som grodde blev inte särskilt olika sina mammor - detta är frösådder av 'Lucifer' (vänster) och 'Journey's End (höger):

The first two Cannas to sprout were not very different from their mothers - these are seedlings from 'Lucifer' (left) and 'Journey's End' (right):

Men det riktigt roliga började när fler frösådder började blomma. Jag blev så glad! Först fick jag en gul Kanna som bleknar vackert till en ljusgul nyans. Jag kallar den 'Limona':

But the real fun started when more seedlings opened their first flowers. I was thrilled! First I got a yellow Canna whose flowers fade beautifully into a very light shade of yellow.
I call it 'Limona':

Sedan fick jag en jättevacker Kanna med blekgula blommor med röda streck i mitten av kronbladen. Blommorna bleknar till creme-vitt, men de röda strecken består. jag kallar denna 'Chameleon':

Then I got a beautiful Canna with very pale yellow flowers with some red streaks in the middle of the petals. The flowers fade into almost white, but the red streaks remain. I call this one 'Chameleon':

Den tredje överraskningen blev en prickig Kanna med flikiga blomblad. Den har fått namnet 'Pajazzo':

The third surprise was a spotted Canna with dented petals, which was given the name 'Pajazzo':

Och den stora finalen kom med en intensivt röd Kanna med gult svalg och smala, gula kanter. Jag kallar den 'Passionata':

And the big finale came with an intensely red Canna with a yellow throat and narrow yellow edges. I call this one 'Passionata':

Jag älskar sådana här överraskningar! Det är så roligt att dra upp plantor från frön - men en sak är säker: det är förbjudet att stjäla frön! Men jag har några kvar...

How I love surprises like these! It's such fun, growing plants from seeds - but one thing is for sure: nicking seeds is forbidden! But I still have a few...


9 kommentarer :

Linda Lunda sa...

WOWSINGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vilket tålamod du har! Hur många år tog det innan de började blomma? Eller skrev du det?

Merja sa...

Inte ska det väl stoppas när du får så fina växter!!
Blir grön av avund på dina gröna fingrar;)

kompoStella sa...

you lucky you! especially 'Chameleon' looks pretty & delicate.

Katarina sa...

Linda: det tog 8 månader från det att fröerna kom i jorden!

Maria sa...

Funny! My mother also loved to nick seeds and I found this very exciting when I was a child!
Your cannas are beautiful - admirable! Every one of them deserves a name of her own!

I am surprised that cannas grow in Sweden... But what does one know about the continent one lives in...
Kind regards, Maria

Unknown sa...

Ooooh... so pretty! I especially love the red-streaked one, and your 'Limona!'

Maria mentioned being surprised that cannas grow in Sweden. I would be surprised if they overwinter there, but we grow them here during the summers without a problem. We just have to lift the tubers and store them over the winter in a basement, etc., and then replant them each spring. It might be worth trying to save your favorites that way!

lareine sa...

hahahaha... nicking seeds --- i'm also tempted to do that but i couldn't seem to find the right moment to do it *winks*... yep, it's bad, but they are just so tempting....

i usually grow plants from seeds because i'm still new in the gardening department --- seeds are cheaper here so if they don't grow, i wouldn't feel too bad... and i can understand the feeling of seeing them grow and give flowers!!! you get a feeling of satisfaction and pride...

your canna lilies are lovely... my favorite is the chameleon:)

Anonym sa...

What a beautiful variety of cannas, you are inspiring me to try more seeds.

Well yes of course nicking seed is forbidden but where there are lots of them...I do it.

Do you want seed from another kind of canna? My friends a few hours away grow one from her mother's garden in Texas. They are bright yellow with various kinds of spots, stripes, and blotches in scarlet. Not subtle, but fun and hardy. They could be a number of old varieties so I haven't identifited them. But I wouldn't have to nick seed...

Anonym sa...

You have grown a lovely Camelia Canna! What is the highest temperature in Sweden? I thought Canna only suitable in tropical climate.
Canna lover.